Friday, November 22, 2013


Well, I hope you're not tired of my posts but today is an important one. Had a disheartening experience today of being wheeled through a hospital lobby, mask on my face to protect me from further immune insult, up to my specialists office. It was obvious my appearance struck an uncomfortable core of those in the lobby, halls and waiting room. We tried to chuckle as we watched people stare, scurry away, move their seat or make faces. I am strong during moments that I am not scared but not all who receive that reception are. My desire is to teach the world some etiquette - "I will not put my head down and look away; I have nothing to be ashamed of. My disease is dictating my appearance but I am still who I am inside. I will look you in the eye and smile under my mask; I beg of you to smile back, nod, wink or say hello. That simple effort would tell those who suffer- you are just curious and do not judge. PLEASE next time you see someone different, think of me, pay them respect and make their heart dance!" Thank you

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