Friday, November 22, 2013


To tired to put my thoughts together yesterday but many ones to share. So hopefully this message makes sense. From an early age I learned by watching my parents that their joy was greatest when helping others. My father loved serving all aspects of the Elmwood fire dept. My mom was a teacher by profession but most gained knowledge through her unending desire to do special projects for others. Many times through sewing a costume, cooking, running parties. I watched them lovingly, compassionately care for ailing family members always with respect and gentle touch. Being different or having a flaw made them draw closer to you and the challenge met to serve. Not knowing then but do now, they are responsible for my passion in life to pay forward to others. That's actually my favorite movie ever "Paying it Forward". Please watch, cry and then hopefully let it drive you to do simple day to day good turns. When dealing with disabled people these small effortless gestures can brighten their day and make them feel human;

Get down to our eye level and look at us when talking
Touch is miraculous- reach out with a gentle hand on our shoulder, hand, arm. You can't imagine the healing power of those seconds of touch
Again a simple wink, smile, hello, nod as you pass by

"Please do not pity us it does not change our course, do not pretend our disability doesn't exist we've already wished those wishes, do not feel sorry for us as our disease is not who we are and I love and am not sorry for who I am. Instead embrace our symptoms of our disease as a part of us but not who we are. We are people with normal lives just as you. We may walk or talk or move differently but we all do it from under the same sky, stroll along side us with simple gestures of encouragement and support. Make our hearts dance even when our legs cannot"

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